• $59.00
Tax included.
- $-59.00

Our Rae Hat has been one of our most popular pieces for the last 5 years! This beautiful lightweight straw hat comes in 5 colours; Vanilla, Caramel, Strawberry, Chocolate & Blackberry. The beauty of this hat is that it can be stored/packed/carried around so easily, being that it’s a free flowing shape, with a wire brim, so you can shape and mould it as you wish. Roll it up, pop it in your beach bag and you’re good to go!

    • One Size Fits All
    • Fully adjustable by way of internal ribbons on the inside of the hat, which can be tightened or loosened as needed
    • 5 colours: Vanilla, Caramel, Strawberry, Chocolate & Blackberry

Our Rae Hats come in a very cute calico drawstring dust bag, made of recycled cotton. These bags come in so handy and are perfect for travel etc.

I always like to give our products a good test drive before I share them with our Coven community, and I’ve been wearing this hat every single day lately! My favourite part is that you can turn the front up if you like... I tend to wear it down when I’m at the beach/swimming, and turned up if I’m going out to lunch or wearing it to the markets, etc 🌞


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